June 2024

In this issue

The Plight of Lough Neagh – Scorpionflies – Pulse Grazing for Rewilding – Plankton in Milford Haven – Gordano Valley NNR

Articles in this issue

Obituary – Bob Gibbons (1949–2024)

Peter Marren

When someone as full of life as Bob leaves us, and before his time, there is a profound sense of shock. Writing a week after his death, from a long illness, on 25th May, I can still hardly take it in. As many readers of British Wildlife will know, Bob was a talented wildlife photographer,See more

Marine plankton in Milford Haven

Julian Cremona

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Pulse grazing in rewilding projects and the effects on invertebrate diversity – a case study of Butcherlands

Graeme Lyons, Mark Monk-Terry and Malcolm Ausden

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An introduction to snow fleas and scorpionflies

Jan van Duinen

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The plight of Lough Neagh

Tommy Greene

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in this issue

Book review: Ponds, Pools and Puddles

This very welcome addition to the New Naturalist series has been a long time coming. Ponds, Pools and Puddles was first mooted as a title in the 1950s, together with a prospective author (Alister Hardy), a dust jacket and watercolour sketches. However, it was not to be. Only after several decades in abeyance was the

Book review: Cull of the Wild: Killing in the Name of Conservation

As a result of human activities, some 37,000 species have been introduced to regions and biomes where they are not native. While many of these introductions appear to have caused no harm, others have proved extremely damaging to biodiversity and human welfare. Invasive alien species are now considered to be one of the five major

©Alex Brown (CC BY 2.0)

Conservation news

June’s conservation news looks ahead to the general election and the implications for environmental protection, sets out the challenges that Ireland has in meeting its climate-change commitments, and plans for Wicken Fen’s 125th year as a nature reserve.

Wildlife reports

The wildlife reports discuss the low numbers of certain migratory birds this spring, the rediscovery of the juniper-associated shieldbug Chlorochroa juniperina after an absence of almost a century, the strong showing from some perennial plants following the wet start to 2024, and much more.

©Robert Flogaus-Faust (CC BY 4.0)

Habitat management news

June’s habitat management news has a grassland theme, with summaries of a novel approach to mowing to improve the structural diversity of swards and a case study of managing a hay-meadow relic in Herefordshire.

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