British Wildlife 30.2 December 2018

December 2018
This issue includes
The 'Life and Times' of Moschatel – National Parks of Natural Parks? – The Stone Marten in the British Isles – Colliery-Spoil Biodiversity – Biodiversity Accounting
In this issue:
- 79 A scent of musk – the ‘life and times’ of Moschatel, the Good Friday flower
- 86 Through a naturalist’s eyes
- 87 National Parks or Natural Parks: how can we have both?
- 97 Habitat management news
- 99 Was the Stone Marten once established in the wild in the British Isles?
- 107 Wild story
- 108 Colliery-spoil biodiversity of the South Wales Valleys
- 116 Flying kites: a view from Wales
- 117 Comment: ‘Biodiversity Accounting’ – a tool for transparency or for dumbing down?
- 121 The Strawberry Tree
- 122 Wildlife reports
- 143 Naturally opinionated
- 144 Conservation news
- 150 Twitcher in the swamp
- 151 Book review: Identification of Trees and Shrubs in Winter using Buds and Twigs
- 151 Book review: Climate Change and British Wildlife
- 152 Book review: Atlas of the Hydrophiloid Beetles of Britain and Ireland
- 153 Book review: Ploughing a New Furrow: A Blueprint for Wildlife-friendly Farming
- 154 Book review: Handbook of the Bees of the British Isles